Master of Ballantrae, The (1953)

The Master of Ballantrae (1953), directed by William Keighley.

When Bonnie Prince Charlie tries for the crown of England one last time, a Scottish family has to decide which way to jump. Their cunning plan: the older, hard-living brother goes with the rebels, while the younger decent brother stays loyal. That way the family wins no matter what. But it means the wicked brother will become an outlaw traitor.

It's not a bad story and Errol Flynn has done worse, but I review it only because I'm a Flynn completist. I'm very fond of Roger Livesey, too. Both are past their swashbuckling prime, but we still have lots of sword fighting and a sea of kilts, and even a pirating excursion to the West Indies (filmed in Sicily).

That Spanish dancer "Marianne" can't have a transparent blouse in a 1953 film, but I'm at a loss to explain it otherwise.

The story is only vaguely related to RL Stevenson's book.

Jack Cardiff photography. The Technicolor print is in pretty bad shape.